Tuesday, December 19, 2006


"Storys of Wassail"
by Saxo the Learned

When he had done these things and gone back to his own land, one Skat entertained him at a banquet, desireous to mingle his toilsome warfare with joyous lisence. Forde was lying in his house, in royal fashion, upon cushions of cloth of gold, and a certain Hunding challenged him to fight. Then, though he had bent his mind to the joys of Wassail (Wassail!). he had more delight in the prospect of a fray than in the presence of a feast, and would up the supper with a duel and the duel with a triumph.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Which is More Classic? I Can't Decide.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


"Storys of Wassail"
by Saxo the Learned

When he had done these things and gone back to his own land, one Skat entertained him at a banquet, desireous to mingle his toilsome warfare with joyous lisence. Forde was lying in his house, in royal fashion, upon cushions of cloth of gold, and a certain Hunding challenged him to fight. Then, though he had bent his mind to the joys of Wassail (Wassail!). he had more delight in the prospect of a fray than in the presence of a feast, and would up the supper with a duel and the duel with a triumph.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Goat Glitter

(From an email I received today)
A gift of a goat, a donkey, a chicken, a Gift of Peace
or women's training can make all the difference in the
life of a family in a developing country. It can
provide a source of independent income.


Friday, December 01, 2006
