Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Future has Arrived!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ode to the Duck-Billed Platypus

Ornithorhynchus anatinus
In all
Yo Spenda
Is a good alternative to sugar
For people like Vicki Zettel
In all
Her Spenda

They say you're evolutionary
Or even 'revoltionary'
All I know is
It's fun to pinch the skin
that hangs off
Your elbows

So when I'm up shit creek
Without a paddle
I take comfort
Knowing that you too
Display a birthmark
When you "duckdive"

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Women Not Girls

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm a Student...and a Writer...

In addition to the classic elements provided by Dawin Misha and her mom, look out for Paula's smile at 1:14. This is pure gold.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Jay-Z Ugly Posse

Alright, in honour of his Golden Globes appearance last night, I just have to. Found this on thebitterblog.com, so all credit for this hilarity goes there. Just has to be shared.

Now I am sure there are some ugly guys out there, but Jay-z has got be one of the ugliest mothas around.

In tribute to Jay-z’s ugliness here is the “Jay-z Ugly Posse”.

1. Born and raised out of the badlands of Utah, Brian-z, aka sir Gay-z, worked hard to beat himself with the ugly stick, making this first spot in the Jay-z ugly posse.

2. Next Ted-z, who is scared of the dark, loves the outdoors, hates getting his picture taken and loves late night walks, he fills the second spot in Jay-z’s posse very nicely.

3. Third we have Jessica-z, this dumb-ass hoodrat used to date Jay-z, before deciding that she was too pretty to be rollin with an ugly thug like Jay-z.

4. Next we have one of Jay-z’s closest homie, Sloth-z, this bad ass sloth loves crackers and Big Pimpin’.

5. Then we got Jay-z’s best friend, his only dogg, dogg-z, good doggy – good doggy.

6. Last but not least, the ring-leader of this ugly show, Jay-z, who is most notably known for dating Beyonce.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

In a Word: Blottoed

The first 40 seconds are nothing short of pure gold.

My personal favourite line: "You know what? [eyes glaze over] It is what it is and it was...ba-rilliant".

Friday, January 05, 2007

'Appalling plight' of super-fat pigs

This just in from the BBC...

'Appalling plight' of super-fat pigs

The rearing of grossly overweight pigs in Taiwan for ritual slaughter has been condemned by animal welfare groups.

They said it was time to end the annual "Pigs of God" contests that revolved around the force-feeding of animals to see which could achieve the greatest mass.

Pigs weighing in excess of 900 kilograms have been reported.

The animals, which are incapable of standing, are dragged in front of thousands of people before having their throats cut.