Monday, March 26, 2007


Gaultier delivers, and just in time for Spring. I think I speak for us all when I say "Thank God all those letters to Amnesty International were not sent in vain."

Our pleas have been heard; our prayers answered. Finally, after more than 15 years of wind-breaking nylon, spirit-crushing rayon, and ethically dubious furs from Sean "P. Diddy" Combs, we have a Spring outfit that really breathes.

No matter that this particular outfit would send the average Canadian female running into the nearest Tom Hortons - I mean...ahem, Holt Renfrew - for fear of imminent hypothemia, and/or an embarrasing nip-on. Or that it would not allow one to speak, eat, or blow one's nose. Such trivialities need no longer concern las fashionistas modernas; after all, our niqab-clad sistas have been rocking outfits that proscribe the use of the mouth and nose for years. Centuries!

Nay, this is an outfit that really liberates. That sits up and screams "tooooorqued".

...At least as loud as one can scream with a paper snowflake lodged in the throatal.