Quick Quiz
1. The Indian city of Bangalore recently changed its name toa) Bengalooru
b) Bangaschmool
c) Bengadhal
d) Bengaboys
e) Dherminal Dhoo
2. A "bube" (pronounced Byoob), is:
a) An insect that feeds on dung
b) A nickname for those with the last name Bubis
c) A short body hair that looks like a pubic hair
d) A boil-like eruption on the skin
3. The moves in Tai Chi all have whacked out names
Which of the following is NOT one of them:
a) Push Needle at Sea Bottom
b) Fan Penetrates Through Back
c) Go Back to Ward Off Monkey
d) Fair Maiden Works Shuttle
e) Crafting the Pei Pa
4. Where am I in this picture:
a) Vietnam
b) Thailand
c) The Philippines
d) India
e) Ottawa