Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Match the picture above with the correct quote

N.B these should all be read with a posh British accent

A) "Sort of Gothic, with a hint of melodrama and executed with a poise that was almost...revolutionary".

B) "The message here is: bags. And when I say bags I don't just mean 'bags'. I mean full, floppy, full-bodied, hole-in-one, grandpa's-hernia, character pieces that really do say something about who we are, where we've been, and the problem of global warming".

C) "There was something Gaussian about it. Something like a silent scream. Like Juliette or Guinevere or Strom Thurmond before he really came into his own. I loved it. Absolutely gorgeous".

D) "Well, what you notice immediately are the references to the French revolution. He's hinting at high collars and crosses and using subtleties in the fabric that immediately make you think of...oh, I don't know... gooseberry jam".

E) "What I realized today is: he's not a designer, he's a conjurer. A dream maker. Someone who can almost see the unseen, weave mist into fabric, make The Economist read like Playboy. Do you know what I mean?"

F) "There really aren't any suitable adjectives in English to describe what we just saw. One can only really draw on the German here. Aufbazen. Yes, that seems to fit best. It was aufbazen. Almost iridescently so!"