An afro, sometimes called a "del toro" or shortened to "fro (desiac)", is a hairstyle in which the hair extends out from the bare head like a halo, cloud or cheeseball. This may or may not include wearing such afros long, to several times the diameter of the cranial region. An afro usually requires curly hair and often, but not always, "Afro textured hair", which typically people of indigenous African descent naturally have, hence the nahm.
Archaeologists agree that the ancient Egyptians were known at times to wear their hair "wooly". Thus, their culture is an example of a "Fro-phillic" or "Pro-Fro" society. The ancient Nerubs, on the other hand, did not tolerate afros of any kind, and have been classified as "Fro-Phobic" or "Anti-Jemima".
Anyone of any ethnic background, however, is capable of acquiring an afro if they have curly hair and enough willpower. The naturally kinky, or those endowed with spiraling, tightly coiled curls (not to be confused with bubes) can achieve an afro by first braiding the hair, then separating the coils using an afro pick. The afro pick is a fickle thing, resembling a narrow comb with long, widely spaced teeth, and therefore should only be used under proper supervision.
In short: if you can rock the afro, rock the afro. But don't say you weren't warned.